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Greetings from the Pastor




Praise God from whom all blessings flow! Over sixty years later and we’re still here, “meeting needs and changing lives.” Greater Payne Chapel African Methodist Episcopal Church is still striving for excellence in the Church and the community. Our commitment to those who worship at Greater Payne, and the community at-large is just as strong now as it was in the beginning. 


We know we never would have made it without the Lord. I praise God for those who laid the foundation and have gone on before us. Greater Payne stands today as a testament too  their faith in the Lord. Although they are not here physically to witness the wonderful things that are going on here today, I know they are here in spirit. We will forever honor and cherish their memories.


I certainly thank God for affording me the opportunity to pastor such a wonderful ministry as this. I give God all the praise and the glory for what is happening in and through the ministry under our administration. I pray that we will continue to be one strong Christian family that understands what being a church in the 21st century means. It means that we must equip ourselves even better for the challenges that lie ahead. But because we are striving for excellence, we will accept all the challenges that come with being a 21st century church.


As we look to the future, we know our future will be greater than our past because the Lord is with us. We will continue to strive for excellence in the church and in the community. Greater Payne has been on this journey with Christ for more than sixty years and we will continue to “press our way”.


I want to thank every officer and member for accepting me and my family and for choosing to work along side of us. I thank you all for your unwavering faith and trust in my ability to lead Greater Payne. With God being our helper, “the best is yet to come.”  


I want to thank Sandra, my lovely wife of 30 years, for sharing in this wonderful journey with me. I want to thank my two sons, Quinten Jr., and Cameron, for their faithfulness to the Lord, Sandra, myself and the church. I want to thank my daughter-in-laws, Cherie Jeffries-Smith and Josalyn Harris-Smith for their faithfulness, as well as my two grandchildren, DeKerrion and Cayla.



Last but not least, I want to thank my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for every blessing he has bestowed upon me. If it had not been for the Lord on my side, I wouldn’t be the servant I am today. To God be the glory for the awesome things He has done.


Rev. Quinten L. Smith Sr., Pastor









Our 1st Lady

1st Lady Sandra C. Smith

Greetings, in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.  God has “truly” blessed us during our tenure at Greater Payne Chapel AME Church.  It is a pleasure and a privilege for me to be a part of this blessed ministry.  The Lord has richly blessed us under the leadership of my God-fearing husband, Rev. Quinten L. Smith, Sr.

As we thrive for excellence, this should be a time of “reflection” and the opportunity to thank God for so many wonderful blessings.  With faith all things are possible.  James 2:17 (TLB) states, “It isn’t enough just to have faith, you must also do good to prove that you have it.”  Faith that doesn’t show itself by good works is no faith at all – it is dead and useless.

Greater Payne is truly about meeting the needs in the community and also church.  When we work together, the best is yet to come.  We are never defeated unless we give up on God.  “Know in all these things, we are more than conquerors through him who loves us” Roman 8:37).

Lastly, I would like to express my love to the Greater Payne Chapel Church family. Thank you for your love, respect, and support.  


Mrs. Sandra C. Smith, First Lady of GPC



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